Gemma’s Blogs

Gemma Oaten is Seed’s Manager and patron and the person who inspired the founding of Seed.
Gemma battled her own struggle with an eating disorder when she was ten, which lasted for thirteen years. Gemma recovered with the everlasting support from her parents, Marg and Dennis Oaten, co-founders of Seed.
She now follows her dream of being an actress as well as a flourishing pubic speaking career and becoming a voice for eating disorders awareness nationwide. Gemma’s recent Headucation piece with Dr Alex George on Lorraine can be seen here.

Gemma Oaten Photo

Was this my Tsunami


Gemma Oaten and SEED on BBC Breakfast – Eating Disorders report 27/01/23


Gemma Oaten BBC Breakfast Interview


GB Eating disorders and some help to cope at Christmas

How to get you mind back on track, in life and when facing an eating disorder

Marnie Simpson’s MTV Home Truths with Gemma Oaten


Eating Disorders – How we can do better and the importance of understanding

“Eating Disorders and Fertility. Gemma opens up about her own recent experience on the subject. We hope it helps”

SEED continue to be experts in their field of Eating Disorders and lived experience. Here Manager and Patron, Gemma Oaten, comments in The Independent on the release of a shocking weight loss device.


Why the government’s response to obesity is putting so many in crisis. Awareness of Eating Disorders must be considered.


“Eating Disorders – The Recovery After the Recovery”

BBC Breakfast News 12/4/21. Gemma & Marg Oaten – Eating disorders.

Gemma Oaten – Sky News interview – Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2021

Loose Women interview 25/03/2021 – Eating Disorder Support and awareness.

“You love to win” by Jess Hempshall, read by Gemma Oaten


Gemma – A poem by Christine


Gemma’s PiXL Club Videos


A few thoughts from a girl with her Dog… and a can of pink gin


Appearance on Sky News with Mark Austin for Eating Disorders Awareness week 2020


SEED Christmas Message


Coping with Easter


Seed Blog Summer 2016


Eating Disorders Awareness Blog for Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2016


Ending the stigma


Eating Disorder Awareness Week


Xmas Blog


My first blog


Gemma’s Story


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